Recycling, Refuse & Household Hazardous Waste | Village of Chenequa, Wisconsin
Village of Chenequa Seal: Pine Trees beside Lake with Young Lady
Village of Chenequa

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  • Recycling, Refuse & Household Hazardous Waste


    Village Hall, Photo by Lauren Hanaman


    Tips To Help Waukesha County Recycle Right!

    Where is the Recycling Center located?
    There is no recycling center located in the Village.

    Waukesha County Recycling Options

    Disposal options and resources can be found here:  Waukesha County Disposal

    Electronics disposal options:  Electronics disposal

    Refuse – Johns Disposal

    Refuse and Recycling pick up – Up-The-Drive Service
    The pickup for your home will be weekly on Friday. All waste should be placed in containers no larger than 40 gallons and not weighing more than 60 pounds (provided by homeowner). Recycling bins can be obtained from John’s Disposal.  Pick up will be made from outside and next to your garage. Collections begin at 7:00 am. Please make sure your garbage and recycle is available for pick up by that time. Please do the following:

    • Garbage and recycle must be visible and in an easily accessible location and not “parked in” by vehicles.
    • Materials should be rinsed, clean and ready for collection by 7:00 am.
    • There are no limits on the amount of recyclables that will be picked up. Additional recycling that does not fit in your recycling bin should be placed in an extra garbage can or plastic container.

    Trash pickup after a holiday:  2025 Calendar

    Chenequa Residential Garbage and Recycling

    Garbage or recycling was not picked 
    The Village of Chenequa asks that you have your items out by 7:00 am. If you had them out by that time, please call Johns Disposal at (262) 473-4700.

    What items will not be picked up and what do I do with them?
    Items that do not fit into the trash bins require advanced notice to be picked up. This includes items such as appliances, furniture, building materials. Call Johns Disposal at (262) 473-4700. Items will normally be picked up on your normal pickup day.

    Yard Waste Disposal

    We recently learned that Johns Disposal offers yard waste disposal to the Village of Chenequa residents.

    The yard waste can be dumped at their Whitewater facility.  They have a yard waste dumpster at the front of their building located at 105 County Road U, Whitewater, WI  53190.

    Hours are: Monday through Friday from 8am – 4:30pm.

    The drop off is closed on weekends and holidays but is open seasonally from spring through fall.  They usually end the season at the first snowfall.

    Yard waste should be “pure” with NO plastic, wire or twine/ tape.  Compostable paper bags ARE accepted.  Compostable plastic bags are NOT accepted by Johns because they are not accepted at compost sites.

    Trailer loads are NOT accepted and contractors are NOT to dump at their facility.

    For more information:  Chenequa, Village – Johns Disposal


    Dead Animals or Deer

    Please call the Police Department non-emergency line at (262) 367-2145.


    Household Hazardous Waste

    Household hazardous Waste (HHW)
    The Village works with Waukesha County to provide residents a responsible solution for disposing of household hazardous waste.

    Hazardous Waste Special Collection Dates

    More information can be found on the Waukesha County website here.

    Drug Collection 
    In order to reduce substance abuse, prevent childhood poisonings, and help protect our environment, private citizens can bring their prescription or over the counter medications, ointments, inhalers, patches, non aerosol sprays, creams, vials and pet medications to the Hartland Police Department, 210 Cottonwood Avenue.

    Items NOT accepted include illegal drugs, needles/sharps, any VAPE cartridges containing batteries, mercury thermometers, aerosol cans, bio hazardous materials (anything containing a bodily fluid or blood), flares, personal care products (shampoo, soaps, lotions, sunscreens, etc…), household hazardous waste (paint, pesticides, chemicals, oil, or gas) or acids. Please do not place boxes or instructions in these containers.


    VILLAGE OF CHENEQUA  •  31275 W County Road K  •  CHENEQUA WI 53029

    OFFICE HOURS:  Monday • Thursday 8:00am to 4:30pm  •  Friday 8:00 am to 3:00 pm

    VILLAGE HALL  (262) 367-2239  •  Fax (262) 367-3341  •  POLICE DEPARTMENT  911 or (262) 367-2145

    AFTER HOURS POLICE  911 or (262) 446-5070 (WCC Dispatch Center)