Extension of Filing Deadline for Village Trustee | Village of Chenequa, Wisconsin
Village of Chenequa Seal: Pine Trees beside Lake with Young Lady
Village of Chenequa

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  • Extension of Filing Deadline for Village Trustee

    The statutory deadline for incumbents to file written notification of non-candidacy, was December 27th.  If an incumbent does not file either a notification of non-candidacy by December 27th or nomination papers and declaration of candidacy by 5:00 p.m. on January 7, 2025, the filing deadline for that office is extended by 72 hours from the original deadline for all candidates except the incumbent for that race.

    The incumbent listed below did not file notification of non-candidacy by December 27th or nomination papers and declaration of candidacy on January 7th.

    OFFICE                                           INCUMBENT

    Village Trustee                               Heidi von Hagke

    Therefore, the deadline for filing of nomination papers and declaration of candidacy for the office of Village Trustee is extended by 72 hours, until Friday, January 10th, 5 p.m.

    Extension of Filing Deadline for Village Trustee


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    VILLAGE OF CHENEQUA  •  31275 W County Road K  •  CHENEQUA WI 53029

    OFFICE HOURS:  Monday • Thursday 8:00am to 4:30pm  •  Friday 8:00 am to 3:00 pm

    VILLAGE HALL  (262) 367-2239  •  Fax (262) 367-3341  •  POLICE DEPARTMENT  911 or (262) 367-2145

    AFTER HOURS POLICE  911 or (262) 446-5070 (WCC Dispatch Center)