It’s easy to fall in love with Wisconsin’s 15,000 lakes. The DNR partners with the University of Wisconsin – Extension and citizens around the state to help protect and maintain these amazing natural resources while providing some of the best recreational opportunities in the nation. More than 600 lake organizations and thousands of volunteers play a leadership role in the stewardship of Wisconsin’s lakes.
You may have noticed Clean Boats, Clean Waters boat inspectors checking boats at a local boat landing, or maybe you are a volunteer or are interested in learning more. Clean Boats, Clean Waters includes teams of volunteers, as well as paid staff from the DNR, Sea Grant and other organizations. Boat inspectors help perform boat and trailer checks, hand out informational brochures and educate boaters on how to prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species.
Thank you Wisconsin Anglers for finding a fishing adventure in 2022. The support you provide through your license purchase allows us to continue to make your fishing experience better. Consider purchasing your fishing license this year. Fishing licenses for the 2023-2024 fishing season are on sale now.
General information for many common licenses and permits issued by the DNR for recreation, environmental, professional/commercial, businesses and municipalities. Also, information for boat and recreational vehicle registrations and trail passes; state park and forests admission; game harvest.