THANK YOU BRONSON! | Village of Chenequa, Wisconsin
Village of Chenequa Seal: Pine Trees beside Lake with Young Lady
Village of Chenequa

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    The citizens of Chenequa recognized Bronson Haase Monday night for his six years of services as Village Trustee. Bronson was instrumental in establishing the village’s personnel committee in 2001.  The citizens of Chenequa deeply appreciate his time and service contributed to the preservation and improvement of the quality of life in our community. A Resolution of Appreciation has been recorded on the permanent records of the Village Board. Thank you Bronson!

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    VILLAGE OF CHENEQUA  •  31275 W County Road K  •  CHENEQUA WI 53029

    OFFICE HOURS:  Monday • Thursday 8:00am to 4:30pm  •  Friday 8:00 am to 3:00 pm

    VILLAGE HALL  (262) 367-2239  •  Fax (262) 367-3341  •  POLICE DEPARTMENT  911 or (262) 367-2145

    AFTER HOURS POLICE  911 or (262) 446-5070 (WCC Dispatch Center)